Greg Metry – an introduction

Good day to each colorectal cancer survivor, families and friends, my name is Greg Metry. At first reluctant, I now enthusiastically share my story, with hope and intention of assisting Cancer patients and families battle this life threatening disease. I speak not as an expert on chemo regimens or medical terminology … I have experience in neither. I am here, entering my tenth year as a stage 4, colon cancer survivor, to share my personal experience, insight, and leanings to help patients and families navigate your journey.

My story begins in July 2012 with a long overdue colonoscopy, following symptoms consistent with a slight tear in the colon lining. Minutes into the procedure, my doctor wheeled me back into recovery, unable to insert the scope due to 95% blockage by a massive tumor. My physician shared that not only was this tumor malignant, but it had also likely spread.

On Doctor’s recommendation, I proceeded directly to the hospital, where testing revealed stage 4-colon cancer, metastasized in the liver, lymph nodes outside the liver and stomach lining. PROGNOSIS: “GRIM” … by year’s end, I would not be working … life expectancy … grim as well. Our battle, versus this most worthy opponent began. We (our family) quickly developed a comprehensive strategy, including change in life-style, which has proven … lifesaving. This strategy, evolving over time, is where I believe I can offer most value to other patients and families. For brevity, my purpose of introduction simply establishes relevance and insight. My personal experience these past 9 years, has included 3 major surgeries, 70+ chemo sessions spanning 210 days, with intermittent remission, including a 3-year span. In addition, I am currently 18 months into a 24 month clinical trial, with hopes of a ‘breakthrough’ for myself and so many afflicted with advanced colon cancer. If my experience and insight can assist other advanced colon cancer patients and families, then my time is well served.